Area Approved Grants
The Trustees of your Freemasons Charity Yorkshire North & East Ridings fcyner.org.uk have received applications and made grants to support Lodge donations across the Province whilst you the Brethren engage with and support your local communities.
Your Trustees are aware of the support you have from family friends and Ladies committees in raising donations and extend a huge thank you to all.
Every application for support is closely examined by a Grants Advisor and a board of Area Representatives. A recommendation is made to the next due Trustees meeting. Not every application is successful but we are as of this month extending the remit to include “consumable items and running costs”.
Since the last AGM at Charities Information Day October 2018 donations by FCYNER supporting your contribution to your community has totalled £11850. This does not include emergency grants or annual Bursaries ie the scheme to provide working tools an apprentice Stonemason.
However this may seem a small total and so it is. On average the Trustees consider four applications per meeting with four meetings a year.
Please encourage your Lodge by supporting your Charity Steward and being aware of your local community. Be aware of and reference the website. Is every Member informed regarding your charity and our central Masonic Charity www.mcf.org.uk . Consider if you could make a monthly or annual standing order to FCYNER? Could your Lodge make an annual contribution? Could you advise and explain to a new Master Mason the import and content of his Charity Pack.
Would you consider yourself suitable and willing to make application to be an FCYNER Trustee or an Area Representative promoting and advising Lodges and Charity Stewards.